Ambassador Labs enables application developers to ship software faster on Kubernetes. The company’s Kubernetes-native API gateway offers an open source development kit to develop, manage, and monitor microservice architectures, enabling developers to adopt a cloud-native development workflow for Kubernetes services.
“We are heavily committed to improving support for OAS in our products, so joining the OAI is a natural move for us as we align closer with the OpenAPI community,” says Richard Li, CEO of Ambassador Labs. “In the cloud-native world, standardized API definitions create a natural point of integration across independent, fast-moving teams without strong central coordination.”
“We are excited to welcome Ambassador Labs to the OpenAPI Initiative. APIs and microservices reinforce one another, and that synergy is a key reason why it is so important to standardize how we describe APIs,” said Marsh Gardiner, Product Manager, Google Cloud, and Technical Steering Committee, OpenAPI Initiative. “We look forward to working with Ambassador Labs to evolve and promote API standards like the OpenAPI Specification.”
From Ambassador Labs:
Ambassador Labs, makers of Edge Stack, the most popular Kubernetes-native API Gateway, is proud to join the OpenAPI initiative and work with OAI to establish and evangelize the standardization on OAS for API development. Ambassador Labs is at the forefront of focusing on the cloud-native developer experience, both through dedicated developer tooling and by providing an integrated API Developer Portal.
Ambassador Labs takes a comprehensive view of the ways in which they support developers, which is rooted in their belief that while Kubernetes represents a significant shift in technology, it really represents an opportunity to change the way developers do work. The successful shift to “cloud-native” requires multiple factors to fall into place, including the standardization on APIs, which is key to delivering an optimal developer experience.
Learn more about open-source Ambassador API Gateway and how Ambassador empowers cloud-native developers to create flexibility and reduce complexity at www.getambassador.io.
OpenAPI Resources
To learn more about how to participate in the evolution of the OpenAPI Specification: https://www.openapis.org/participate/how-to-contribute
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About Ambassador Labs
Ambassador Labs enables developers to ship without fear. Makers of the popular open source projects for Kubernetes Ambassador Edge Stack and Telepresence, Ambassador Labs is beloved by tens of thousands of developers worldwide. Used by companies such as Microsoft, PTC, NVidia, and Ticketmaster, Ambassador Labs has teams around the world. Join our community at https://www.getambassador.io.
About the OpenAPI Initiative
The OpenAPI Initiative (OAI) was created by a consortium of forward-looking industry experts who recognize the immense value of standardizing on how APIs are described. As an open governance structure under the Linux Foundation, the OAI is focused on creating, evolving and promoting a vendor neutral description format. The OpenAPI Specification was originally based on the Swagger Specification, donated by SmartBear Software. To get involved with the OpenAPI Initiative, please visit https://www.openapis.org
About Linux Foundation
Founded in 2000, the Linux Foundation is supported by more than 1,000 members and is the world’s leading home for collaboration on open source software, open standards, open data, and open hardware. Linux Foundation projects like Linux, Kubernetes, Node.js and more are considered critical to the development of the world’s most important infrastructure. Its development methodology leverages established best practices and addresses the needs of contributors, users and solution providers to create sustainable models for open collaboration. For more information, please visit us at linuxfoundation.org.