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Call For Papers

We Are Extending The APIStrat Call For Papers Until Sunday At Midnight

By Blog, Events

We have gotten the usual rush of last minute folks worried if they’ll make the deadline for submitting their talk for APIStrat in Nashville, TN this September. We fully understand that people are business, and the deadline may have snuck up on them, so we are going to extend it until the end of the weekend, to give folks more time to slow down a bit and think more about their talk Saturday and Sunday.

It is important to us that you can get your talk in. While we do make some exceptions for late talk submissions, they aren’t always accepting because they don’t end up being reviewed by the entire committee. So, we encourage you to take the time and craft up the best title and abstract possible, and complete the CFP flow available on the website. Once submitted your talked will be reviewed by our rockstar lineup of judges.

We are looking forward to seeing you all in Nashville, TN this fall. We know that you have amazing stories that should be shared with the community, and are looking forward to having you on stage at APIStrat. This 9th edition of the API community conference is going to be one of the best yet, and as always we are looking for the most diverse API stories possible, with a lineup of speakers to rival previous years. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to help shape the ongoing API story that unfolds across the industry, which is being shaped by APIStrat and the OAI foundation.