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DevSum17: OpenAPI v3 – The Evolution of API Descriptions

By Events

Stockholm, Sweden
June 8-9, 2017

The work on OpenAPI V3 is nearing completion.  What became popular as Swagger, has evolved into a new version of the specification, under the umbrella of the Linux Foundation and supported by many of the largest tech companies.

Open V3 has many improvements and new features to help you describe your APIs.  These will allow developers to describe many HTTP APIs that previously couldn’t be described with Swagger and  result in better client libraries and better documentation.

Whether you are new to OpenAPI, or have lots of experience with Swagger, this talk will contain plenty of  information about how to use OpenAPI and it’s new capabilities.  Not only will this talk provide you with what has changed you will also get insight into why the changes were made.

Come join me, and let OpenAPI take your APIs to the next level.

Level: Intermediate