The OpenAPI specification is an integral part of development and delivery of APIs. Up to ASC-2022, the approach to communicate the relevance of OpenAPI to numerous API related standards, products and implementation was to hold a single conference and attempt to cover everything. In 2023, OAI turned that around by being part of multiple API related conferences. The most common scenario is providing an OAI track as part of the partner conference. This will allow presenters on the OAI track to focus on how OpenAPI is relevant to the focus of the conference. By being part of multiple conferences there will be far more opportunity for the API community to understand how OpenAPI can help them achieve their API goals. This will benefit OpenAPI as it increases the opportunity to receive feedback on what improvements to the spec are most needed.
Theme and Topics
The OpenAPI Initiative (OAI) is soliciting submissions for a specific “OAI Track” at API Days New York 2024. The goal of this track is to provide a forum where practitioners can share and exchange information about their use of OpenAPI, about tools that they are using or building, or about extensions or augmentations of the specification that may be of interest to the API community.
Specifically, we are encouraging submissions with the following topics and themes:
- Scenarios where OpenAPI is used for individual APIs or API landscapes to help with any step along the entire API lifecycle.
- Tools and usage patterns where OpenAPI plays an important role in using the tool and/or scaling the usage across large API landscapes.
- Aspects of working with APIs which are not covered by OpenAPI but could benefit from having standardized representations for interoperability and open exchange.
- Specific OpenAPI extensions that have the potential to become useful for a larger set of scenarios or user groups.
Organized by The OpenAPI Initiative